Saturday, October 22

22 october 2011

It's not that we aren't meant to be together, I think that we're just not ready for forever

something i've realised.. why do you always put a 100% in a relationship? why? how do you know that this relationship will be the one? if you say 'LOVE' hmm, think twice .

Tuesday, August 23

like you never?

so many words so many lies, eenie mini mynie mo, which is told, which is hidden , which is the truth? be smart. be wise.

might think its a tiny lie? tell me the difference between tiny , small , big and huge lies? the size of it? well, what about similarity? they're just lies, still in one category.

but bare in mind people who accept those lies , always smiles and walk away.



Monday, July 18


dont you ever questioned yourselves?
some memories are automatically x-out but some stays put in the tiny lil part of the brain. say... the expression on your mummy's face when you first take your lil baby steps? i want to have a memory of how things felt or how things smelled, i want to have those kind of memories!

and those kind of memories which stays are somehow connected to feelings , something you want to hold on to or something you can't let go. well its like a diary.

recently, i've been haunting my memories, i've missed them, i want to be in that particular memory again, i want to do, say or feel the same again. i think i kinda need a time machine. well past is the past ay? that is why it is called 'memory' and they say move on...


Monday, January 3


have you ever felt so urghhhh erggghhhh irgggghhhhh??! eventhough you're shouting, no one hears you? yea. it feels like ripping off an expensive top!