Sunday, June 7

3 months passed by so fast. the second batch of national service is finally over. sigh.
they had a fun carnival thing on sunday, so i went for it. went back to see the old friends. i think that day was the last i'll see them.

hm. so yea.. what to do..

and best of all!!!!! my company won!! ALPHA!!!!! we got the overall.

despite all those discipline problem, scoldings we got and everything bad you could think of happened because of us (haha), we still got the overall prize. i was so shocked.
but at that moment, i was hoping they would announce us as the winner and they did!!

ape yg penting?
so you people out there who got chosen for national service, go for it!! i bet you'll have so much fun that you wouldnt even mind to stay for another 3 months.

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